Shopify Plus Development: Everything You Need to Know

To scale up your eCommerce business Shopify Plus development could be the right solution. Shopify Plus, an enterprise-level and premium version of Shopify, is built for high-volume retail businesses. With this platform’s enhanced features, better customization options and scalability can be ensured. This detailed guide gives all the insights of Shopify Plus development starting from features to development cost.

Shopify Plus: An Introduction

Let’s begin with what is Shopify Plus? It’s a modern version of Shopify suitable especially for enterprise-level businesses. It also caters to the needs of retailers requiring advanced features and high-level customization. Moreover, continuous support, better scalability, and performance are offered by the Shopify Plus eCommerce platform.

Key Features of Shopify Plus

Some significant features of Shopify Plus that make it a suitable platform include:

  • Unlimited Accounts: An unlimited number of staff accounts is facilitated by Shopify Plus, which is crucial to organizing and maintaining big teams.
  • Modern Analytics and Advanced Reporting: Detailed reporting tools provided by Shopify Plus improve the e-store’s performance. Moreover, advanced analytics assist in tracking your store functionality.
  • High-level Customization: Advanced customizations offered by Shopify Plus help in running a successful brand by providing underlying access to your store’s code.
  • Ongoing Support: Smooth store operationality can be ensured by the continuous and 24/7 support of this eCommerce platform.
  • Cross-Platform Selling: With a unified dashboard, you can easily sell your products on multiple platforms such as Facebook, eBay, or Amazon. Moreover, for technical support, a Shopify Plus development agency can be consulted.

Why opt for Shopify Plus?

Many businesses looking for growth through a scalable platform opt for Shopify Plus. Here we have collected some top reasons behind selecting Shopify Plus to build your online brand:

  • Scalability: If your website observes a large volume of traffic, then Shopify Plus would be an ideal platform to handle such traffic, transactions, and orders placed by customers.
  • Customize Development: A store that is perfectly tailored to your unique requirements is not a dream anymore with Shopify Plus. It offers integration and custom coding enabling desired customizations for the store.
  • Cross-platform Integration: You can easily integrate your Shopify Plus store with popular sales channels such as social media sites, point-of-sales systems, and marketplaces.
  • Modern B2B Development: Shopify Plus B2B business support, in the form of order management tools, custom pricing, and wholesale channels is beneficial for B2B business development.

Why opt for Shopify Plus_ 

Are you facing difficulty managing your online store?

Shopify Plus Store Development: A Complete Process

A complete Shopify store development process includes personalized store designing, integration with APIs, process automation with Shopify Flow, and customization of the checkout process. Let’s get into details:

1- Personalized Store Design

The development of a Shopify Plus store begins with creating an online store in line with your brand identity. In comparison with the basic Shopify plans, Shopify Plus offers more scalability in designing your store theme. With the help of a Shopify open-source template language, Liquid, you can seamlessly create your brand theme.


Let’s have a look at an example of how to customize your cart page:


{ % if cart. Item_count > 0 %}

< div class = “cart-summary” >

< h2 > Your Cart < /h2 > 

< ul> 

{% for item in cart. items % } 

< li > 

< span > {{ item. quantity }} x < / span > 

< span > {{ item . product. title }} < / span > 

< span >$ {{ item . Line _ price | money }} < /span > 

< / li > 

{ % endfor % } 

< / ul > 

< div class = “total-price” > 

< span > total : < / span > <span> $ {{cart . total _ price | money }} < / span > 

< /div > 

< /div >

{ % else % }

< p > Your cart is empty . < /p >

{ % endif % }

Moreover, with the code snippet, it is ensured that your potential customers can have an updated cart view.

2- Integrating APIs

Having API access with Shopify, you can integrate your Shopify Plus websites with third-party systems.


Let’s figure out how to do product data fetching with Shopify Plus API integration:


fetch ( ‘https : // your –store . myshopify . com/ admin/ api/ 2023-01 / products . Json’ , {

Method : ‘GET’ ,

Headers : {

‘ X- Shopify – Access –Token’ : ‘your- access- token' , 

‘Content-Type’ : ‘application / json’ 


.then( response => response .json ())

.then ( data = > console . log (data ))

.catch (error = > console . error ( ‘Error fetching product data:’ , error ));

So, in this way, you can easily fetch product data with Shopify API. Moreover, integration with other services such as customer relationship management, order fulfillment, or inventory management is possible by utilizing the same API.

3- Automation with Shopify Flow

After designing your store, you can automate its tasks with the Shopify Flow tool. It’s a useful option for retailers to ensure consistency and minimize manual labor.


You can automatically tag your customer, if an order is placed by the customer (Trigger), for instance, the condition is that the order value must be greater than $500, so in response your client is tagged as ‘VIP Customer’ to their profile.

4- Checkout Customization with Shopify Plus

Smooth checkout customization can be ensured with Shopify Plus. Moreover, integrations with third-party apps, field customization, and checkout page customization are offered. Also, consulting a Shopify Plus development company can help in having a smooth customization process.


You can customize checkout scripts for discounts with Shopify Plus through this given command:


#custom checkout discount script for Shopify plus

discount = input . cart . line_ items . sum { |item | item . variant . price *

item . quantity }

if discount > 1000

discount = input . cart . line_items . map { |item|

item . change_line_ price (item . line_price-20, message : “VIP Discount Applied” )}

end Output . cart = Input . Cart

Shopify Plus Development Process 

How Much Does Shopify Plus Development Cost?

The Shopify Plus pricing usually starts at $2300 per month. However, this amount may vary and depends on multiple factors, such as transactions, the number of orders your brand receives, and additional service charges. Moreover, acquiring Shopify Plus development services can be a good choice for smoothly developing and running your store.

For a basic breakdown of Shopify Plus store development cost, see the given table:

Development StageCost (In Dollars $)
Basic Store5000-10000
Customized Theme10000-30000
Integrations with Apps5000-20000
Integrations with APIs10000-50000
Maintenance Charges1000-5000/month

Want to scale up your online brand?


Catering to the needs of enterprise-level businesses, Shopify Plus development offers a scalable, dynamic, and customized business solution. To ensure successful business functionality, Shopify Plus provides tools to integrate complex third-party systems, build B2B platforms, and customize the checkout process. Moreover, the true potential of this eCommerce platform can be leveraged by hiring Shopify Plus developers.


How can I differentiate between Shopify and Shopify Plus?

A versatile eCommerce platform, Shopify, caters to businesses of all sizes. Its upgraded version of Shopify Plus takes care of high-volume businesses, those who are aspiring for high growth. Although both platforms offer product management, shipping integrations, and payment, Shopify Plus comes with a more advanced set of features including scalability and higher monthly charges as compared to Shopify, highly customized store layouts, advanced analytics, and a lot more.

How much will it cost to develop a Shopify Plus store?

Multiple factors are involved in deciding the cost of developing a Shopify Plus store. These factors include your design requirements, third-party integrations, the expertise of the web development team, and the complexity of your e-store. Moreover, the cost adds up with increasing complexity and more advanced features moving from basic store setup to large-scale customized brands not to forget their post-development cost.

Can B2B businesses use the Shopify Plus Platform?

For sure, Shopify Plus can be used for B2B businesses. Its advanced features are suitable and capable of managing business-to-business operations. Moreover, Shopify Plus caters to the different needs of businesses by creating wholesale stores with varying product catalogs and pricing ranges, setting up custom pricing rules and discounts, backing bulk order management, and customizing the checkout process for B2B transactions.

Is it possible to customize the Shopify Checkout process?

Absolutely, with extensive customization options offered by Shopify Plus, it’s easy to have a custom Shopify checkout process. Multiple ways can be used by developers to have a customized Shopify checkout process. These ways include adding custom fields to the checkout page, creating advanced discount logic, modifying the checkout process by custom ruby scripting, and integrating external payment gateways such as Stripe, PayPal, and Klarna.

In how much time can I develop a Shopify Plus store?

The timeline for developing a Shopify Plus store varies and depends upon your project scope and complexity. Moreover, if you want to estimate a general timeline, basic store setup takes 2 to 4 weeks. If custom designs and advanced features are required it may take 6 to 12 weeks, integration of third-party apps and additional API connections add 2 to 6 additional weeks.